From the email list…
So yesterday (Halloween)…
I sent an email where I linked to a special “version” of…
Raiders of the Lost Ark.
It was a version in black & white with the original audio removed…
and replaced with an alternative instrumental track.
This was provided by filmmaker Steven Soderbergh on his website (linked below.)
Inspired by watching it again (the night before I shared it in the email)…
and a conversation with a fellow magician (and listener/email subscriber)…
I then “Soderbergh’d” Ricky Jay’s “52 Assistants.
So now you can learn about staging, in the context of a great magic show.
Contrast and compare techniques used in film and in theatre.
Off to the races…
If you want to see the black & white, alternative-audio version of “52 Assistants”…
this is the kind of content I share in my FREE Dail Emails on improving your magic.
You can Subscribe by Click HERE!
Here’s the link to the Steven Soderbergh’s version of “Raiders” on his website…